Musho Monthly: Product updates from January

Welcome to the Musho Monthly! A roundup of all the updates from the previous month and how they'll make your Musho experience even better.

It feels like just yesterday we embarked on the Musho journey, wondering how we could make your design experience better, more focused, and totally awesome. Well, with your incredible support, we've taken huge strides in that direction. We're thrilled to take you through Musho's January updates, all geared toward making your creative path even more extraordinary.

🌐 Privacy Update: Your Designs, Your Rules

We kicked off the year with a slight privacy upgrade—when you upgrade to the Pro plan, all your previous design generations automatically become private. That's right! Your entire design history is now secure the moment you choose to go pro.

Experimental Mode: Free for limited time only

Big news! Experimental Mode is now open to everyone, but there's a catch—it's available for a limited time. This is your golden opportunity to dive into the future of web design with Musho. But that's not all—we've made its results responsive so you can adapt your designs to any platform.

Check Out the Social Media Generator 🔍

Musho UI for creating social media posts.
Generate social media posts fast.

Hold onto your creative hats because we've introduced the Social Media Generator. This fantastic feature lets you effortlessly switch between generating landing pages and crafting social media assets using our plugin. And guess what? They're all inherently responsive. From captivating stories to eye-catching ads and Instagram-worthy posts, Musho's got you covered!

UI of Musho's social media generator.
Create responsive stories and posts for your social media.

Introducing the Lummi Plugin: Realistic Images Made Easy

We also introduced the Lummi Plugin, a game-changer for enhancing your designs with AI-generated, lifelike images. Lummi initially didn't start as a standalone plugin; instead, it was part of the Musho. However, we decided to take it a step further to provide you with an even more seamless and powerful experience. Now, with the Lummi Plugin, you have a treasure trove of realistic imagery at your fingertips, making your creative journey with Musho designs even more extraordinary.

An AI-generated image from Lummi
Thousands of free AI-generated images for your projects.

🚩 Lummi Flagging: Join Us in Quality Assurance

Quality matters, and we need your help making the highest quality tool possible. Lummi Flagging is your chance to contribute to maintaining a top-notch image library. If you spot images that don't quite meet our high standards, give them a flag. Your input is pivotal for ensuring quality for the entire Musho community.

🎨 Become a Creator: Unleash Your AI Artistry

Are you an AI artist? We're on the lookout for talent to feature in Lummi. Join our community of creators and showcase your AI-generated masterpieces. If you have a passion for AI artistry, reach out to us at hi @

These January updates are all about taking your creative journey with Musho to the next level. From boosted privacy controls to the limitless potential of Experimental Mode and the convenience of the Lummi Plugin, we've got your back. Join us in embracing these enhancements and let your creativity flourish with Musho! 🚀

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