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- Cinema service based on The Movie Database API, - Light theme, - Home page: -- Section 1: Now playing movies: hero carousel that displays the backdrop image, title, genres and two call to action buttons - watch and details, -- Section 2: On the air tv shows: hero swiper, a little bit smaller than the section 1 carousel, displays about 2.5 items at a time, it is a card with backdrop image, title and two call to actions buttons - watch and details, -- Section 3: Trending: --- Subsection 1: Movies: swiper that displays 6.5 item at a time, just a poster image --- Subsection 2: TV Shows: swiper that displays 6.5 item at a time, just a poster image --- Subsection 3: People: swiper that displays 8.5 item at a time, just a poster image
I'm creating a website that uses The Movie Database API. It is a service that provides information about the movies, tv series, basically all information connected with Cinema and films. I need a design for this website. I would rather keep it in a light theme than dark. First page, that I want you to design is the home page. It is divided into 5 sections: Now playing movies, On the air tv series, trending movies, trending tv series and trending people. The first section - now PLaying - should be a hero carousel that displays the backdrop image, title, genres and two call to action buttons - watch and details. Second section is an On the air tv series that is a hero swiper, a little bit smaller than the first secton carousel, it shows about 2.5 items at a time, it is a card with backdrop image, title and two call to actions buttons - watch and details. The next 3 trending sections are just a swipers that displays about 5 items at a time, a trending item is just a poster image. Make these 3 trending sections a smaller section that are combined underneath main trending section.
A web Page havinging Nav bar one Container Showing List of profile Other container showing list of your projects other container showing List of projets to look for this container all will be represengted as cards and a footer project cards will be text based cards Will be in grid for my own projets 3 Cards in one row and then pagination to get more list of project available in website in that section project 2 in a row 1 page 10 cards then pagination containts of card post date title cateogery description 2 buttons 1 join as devloper other join as mentor
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