9 Best AI Stock Images & Stock Photo Sites for Creatives
Stock photos can help make a design project shine. Now, with stock AI images, creatives have even more options to find royalty-free visuals. Here are the 9 best sites for free stock images.
The best photo stock sites are now a crucial component when creating digital content such as websites, blogs, social media posts, and more. That's where stock photos come in handy. Stock photography sites are online platforms that offer a huge collection of high-quality images for your projects.
The best stock photo sites for creatives
With so many free stock photo sites and options, finding the best libraries for your needs can be tricky. This blog will explore the top stock photo websites, both paid, free, and available for commercial purposes. We'll dive deep into factors like image quality, pricing, ease of use, and legal considerations. By the end of this blog post, you'll know where to find the perfect AI stock photos, regular stock photos, and free stock images.
But what are stock photos anyway?
Stock photos are photographs that people and businesses can use for free. Free stock photos for commercial use make it easy to find amazing visuals for creative projects.
The best stock photo sites and best photo stock websites for free cover every topic you can imagine. Creatives can find everything from nature scenes to business people to food photos and more. Often times you can copy, modify, and distribute these visuals without having to pay.
These days, there are even AI stock photos made with artificial intelligence rather than captured with a camera. Some libraries offer free AI stock images, so you can enjoy free image downloads without worry about royalties.
AI stock images vs. stock photos
AI stock images are not the same as regular stock photos. Here's the difference:
Stock photos are photographs taken by humans using a camera. AI stock images are pictures created by artificial intelligence software without any camera involved.
For stock photos, a person has to go out into the world, set up their camera equipment, choose their subject, and click the shutter button to capture the shot. This takes time, effort, and skill.
However, AI images don't require a photographer. Instead, the AI software uses deep learning models to analyze thousands of existing photographs. It can then blend different images or create completely new visuals from scratch.
1. Lummi AI
With a library of 16,000 unique visuals, Lummi is one of the fastest-growing libraries of curated AI images. Made for and by creators who are tired of boring and weird stock images, Lummi is the ideal source for gorgeous, curated by humans, and completely free AI images.

Along with those positive factors, Lummi's selection process ensures that uncanny images never sneak into the Lummi library. This way, you can be sure that you'll have top-notch visuals that will make your projects dazzle. Plus, it as tons of images great for editorial design, illustrations for creative projects, and 3D icons for UX tasks. You can even find the dopest retro-futuristic collections by Pablo Stanley!
Plus, the Figma plugin fits perfectly into your design workflow, saving you tons of time.
Pricing for Lummi
- Lummi AI stock images are 100% royalty-free. Use these images how for whatever creative project you have in mind!
2. Unsplash
Unsplash is a fantastic option if you're looking for completely free stock photos. This website has an extensive library of over 3 million images contributed by a community of photographers and creators.

The best part about Unsplash is that every image is free to use for any purpose, even commercial projects. You don't need to pay a cent or provide attribution, making it super easy to download and use the photos however you like.
The quality on Unsplash is top-notch, with a curated collection of beautiful, high-resolution photographs across countless subjects.
Pricing for Unsplash
- 100% free
- Currently offered at a "Limited Launch Special" price of €6 per month or €72 if you pay yearly (62% off the monthly rate).
3. 123RF
123RF is a huge online library with over 200 million stock photos, vectors, videos, and other assets. 123RF hosts one of the biggest and most affordable places to find stock imagery.

On 123RF, you can download pictures on just about any topic - nature, business, technology, food, you name it! The images come from thousands of professional photographers and artists from around the world.
One cool thing about 123RF is the flexible pricing. You can pay for images one-at-a-time, choose a subscription plan, or get bundled credit packs. This makes it budget-friendly whether you need a single photo or lots of content.
The website is easy to use, with strong search filters to find exactly what you want. The image quality is consistently high across both photos and illustrations.
123RF also has a growing collection of AI-generated stock visuals if you're looking for something more unique or creative. But you'll find plenty of regular photography, too.
Pricing for 123RF
Plus plan
- Free 7-day trial available.
PLUS Business Plan
- Monthly fee of €59 or yearly fee of €299.
PREMIUM Subscription
- Monthly plans from €23 (20 images) to €95 (360 images).
Credit Packs
- Buy credits in packs of 30 (€24), 90 (€61.20), or 270 (€162).
4. Pexels
Pexels is one of the best websites if you're looking for completely free stock photos and videos. Its library has millions of high-quality visuals uploaded by talented creators.

Another super cool thing about Pexel images and Pexel videos is that they're 100% free to download and use however you want. You don't need to pay anything or provide any attribution. Just find what you need and use it for personal or commercial projects.
The visuals on Pexels cover a wide range of categories, including nature, people, technology, food, and more. The search functions make it easy to find specific subjects or aesthetics, and the Pexels community regularly adds new content.
While most of the library consists of regular photography, Pexels recently added AI-generated visuals. So now you can access free AI stock photos and images alongside all the regular free stock photography.
Pricing for Pexels
- All photos and videos on Pexels are 100% free to download and use however you want
5. Stockimg.AI
Stockimg AI is one of the best websites for completely AI-generated stock photos and images. Unlike most stock photo sites, which feature real-life photos, every visual on Stockimg AI is created by artificial intelligence.

On Stockimg.AI, you can search for specific keywords or browse categories to find the perfect AI stock photo for your project needs. The images are high-resolution and royalty-free for commercial use.
The AI stock photos have a really fascinating, almost hyper-realistic look that blends normal imagery with abstract and surreal elements. This makes them stand out from regular photography in an artistic, creative way.
Overall, Stockimg AI provides a unique way to access quality stock visuals without hiring photographers, models, or content creators.
Pricing for Stockimg AI
Free Plan
- €0 per month, billed monthly
Starter Plan
- €11.9 per month (discounted from €17), billed monthly
Premium Plan
- €18.2 per month (discounted from €26), billed monthly
6. Death to Stock
Death to Stock stands out as a unique resource for those seeking not just any stock photos but ones that carry an artistic and creative edge. It's perfect for users who want their projects to stand out with images that go beyond the ordinary. Unlike typical stock photo websites filled with common images, Death to Stock offers monthly collections of curated, high-quality pictures centered around unique themes.

This platform is great for anyone who values storytelling through visuals and wants their work to make a real impact. Each set of images is carefully chosen to inspire and bring a fresh perspective to any project, from school assignments to professional presentations.
Subscription plans at Death to Stock are varied and designed to fit different needs and budgets, making it easy for individuals, students, and businesses to find an option that works for them. By choosing Death to Stock, subscribers not only enhance their projects with exceptional images but also support the artists and photographers who create them.
Pricing for Death to Stock
Brand Plan
- Priced at $15, which can be billed monthly or annually.
Agency Plan
- Priced at $59, with the choice of monthly or annual billing.
7. Impossible Images
Impossible Images offers an intriguing gateway to a library of AI stock images that are anything but ordinary. This platform caters to those searching for images that catch the eye, challenge perceptions, and spark conversations.

Additionally, Impossible Images offers an array of AI stock images ranging from the subtly surreal to the delightfully abstract, each crafted to add a distinctive touch to your projects.
Whether it's for an advertising campaign, a website design, or social media content, Impossible Images can bring a fresh look to your projects.
Pricing for Impossible Images
Free Plan
- Costs £0 per month, ideal for casual or trial use.
Advanced Plan
- Ideal for businesses, priced at £20 per month.
Enthusiast Plan
- £10 per month.
8. Pixabay
Pixabay is an incredible resource for high-quality stock photos, illustrations, vector graphics, and film footage, all generously contributed by a global community of creatives.

With an intuitive interface and a vast library spanning many categories, Pixabay simplifies the search for the perfect image to enhance any project. Whether for educational purposes, commercial designs, or personal endeavors, the site's expansive collection ensures you'll find quality images for your projects.
Pricing for Pixabay
- 100% free.
9. Stills
Stills.com is a huge online marketplace where you can find millions of gorgeous stock photos. This site offers an incredibly diverse collection thanks to all the artists and photographers who contribute content.

One awesome thing about Stills.com is how simple the website makes it to search for exactly what you need. You can enter any keyword or use the category filters to quickly find the perfect stock visuals on any topic imaginable.
Pricing for Stills
- Standard access $8 a month
- Pro access $24 a month
Work smarter with AI Stock images and photos
AI stock images and traditional stock photos are changing the way we approach visual content in projects. They offer an incredibly versatile palette of options—ranging from the realistic to the fantastical and everything in between.